Private Declare Function FindWindowEx Lib 'user32' _Īlias 'FindWindowExA' (ByVal hwndParent As Long, _ We're not concerned with people hacking the data, just want to avoid mistakes or people poking at tables they shouldn't. There is no access to SQL Server or anything fancy/complicated. I'm told the project will be on one computer. I'm not a coder, but can hack things together fairly well. I've seen people mention this, and have seen NeoPa's write up ( here) but in reality I have no idea how to do either. Another idea is to split (?) the project into front end/back end. One idea is to password protect the tables. This person may need to delete records from the main table or add values to the look up tables, etc. It would be great if they couldn't even see the tables.Ģ) one person with access to everything (not me, since i'm shipping this whole thing off to the folks I'm creating it for). I need to set this up with two levels of access:ġ) people entering data can only see the forms and report, no access to any tables. I have a very simple project composed of one main table, several look up tables, one switchboard form, two other forms (one data entry form and one query/search form), and one report. I'm sure this has been asked a million times but I can't seem to find the answer I need.